PR Training Tailored for You

How you tell your story is crucial to the impact you make on your audiences. Your messages must reflect their interests.

You are so close to your business, stepping back and taking a fresh look at how the business is presented will be invaluable.

The starting point is a messaging workshop where we explore with you current customer perceptions of your brand, competitor profiles, the effectiveness of what you are currently saying about your business and how things may need to change for the future.

This is a fantastic opportunity to fine tune your messages, and to then apply these across your different communications platforms to ensure that you are delivering powerful, succinct and relevant messages at all times.

Cascading from the messaging workshops is presentation skills training for members of your team who are responsible for presenting the company to customers, influencers or the wider public. Presentation training ensures that speakers can deliver the company story with conviction.


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Lorem Ipsom Dolor

Avec duit

Other Services

Media Relations
Digital and social engagement
Writing publications and websites
Content management
Design management
Event planning and management
PR and presentation skills training
Issue and crisis management
SEO Video
Website and SEO programme management
PR Training


Lorem ipsom dolor amet consectuer
avec du consectuer loin brisket

Lorem Ipsom Dolor

Avec duit

Other Services

Media Relations
Digital and social engagement
Writing publications and websites
Content management
Design management
Event planning and management
PR and presentation skills training
Issue and crisis management
SEO Video
Website and SEO programme management
PR Training

Business & Communications Training Feedback

Gill was fantastic, so informative and the examples that were given helped put everything in perspective. Gill was a wonderfully dynamic trainer.

The course helped me to think of better ways of doing things.

The course has given me a new perspective on how to communicate in an assertive way and how to say it gently.

I feel I’ve learnt some practical skills that I can take away and use which will hopefully improve my performance at work and interactions outside of work.

Gill gave a grounded approach to training which led to a great group environment for learning and sharing.

See Gill Dandy’s profile at the end of our team’s profiles.